Sunday, February 1, 2009

1141st Spactron vets!

goto and then to the 1141st pages to see and hear from others who served in this NATO division in the 50s and 60s.


  1. My name is Joe Connelly and I worked at the AFCENT Printing Plant across from the main gate at Camp Guynemer. I arrived March 1964 and was completely lost. I could smell the beer scent coming from the Airmen's Lounge and things started to clear up. It didn't take long to fit right in. Met a lot of life long friends. We drank Schlitz in green bottles, but once in a great while we got Schlitz in a brown bottle. Everyone at the table would stand up and cheer. Boy it didn't take much to excite us. I remember once we had strippers from Paris come to the lounge and give us a show. I still have some old photos of that happy time. I hope that some old acquaintances will see this and respond. I'll forward the existence of this blog to as many 1141ers as possible.

  2. Hi. I'm Lee Smith. I was stationed in Camp Guyemer the winter of 65/66 for a few months before they sent me over to site 16 at Bann Germany. I can recall going up to Pigalle several times to tease the girls. Never had money enough for that as an A2C but it was entertaining.
    We also hung out in a bar in Fontainebleau that would pull a tambour door down over the front entrance and bar at 2:30am so the tables in the rear became a private party. Stay as long as you like.
    The Ville de Hericy was labled as a communist sympathizer town and we weren't suppose to go over there, so guess what? Of course it looked and acted like any other town.
    I have to say, I learned more French in the several months I was there than I did German in the remaining 3 years due to the fact that the French wouldn't speak English to us. They acted much like us Americans to.

  3. I'm Jerry Sievers and I was assigned to the AFCENT Printing Plant 1960 thru 1963. I left some thoughts earlier on the Guest Comments page. My wife, Joyce, and I really enjoyed those three years of making many new friends, traveling, and participating in local autosport events.

    The following link is a source to view a copy of the AirCent Information Brochure that we received before leaving the U.S., which may be of interest to some of you.

    If this works I'll try adding another information booklet entitled Headquarters Allied Forces Central Europe Fontainebleau that includes 22 pages of photos, illustrations, and information about the Fontainebleau area.

  4. Jerry Sievers Update

    We arrived at Camp Guynemer in November 1960 and departed November 1963. Association with my fellow multinational members of the AFCent Printing Plant and the staff members we supported from AFCent, AirCent, NavCent, and their support organizations, were both interesting and rewarding. There just aren’t many assignments where you would be exposed to so many different cultures at one station. Our French neighbors were friendly and our frequent visits lead to exchanging dinner invitations and watching each other’s home while vacationing. We found that attempting to speak the native language would usually result in an immediate attempt for them to speak our language -- and many could speak ours much better than we could stumbling through theirs. This was true regardless of what country we were visiting at the time. It’s too bad that some found only the rudeness and the bad side of the French people. We spent many late hours investigating Paris and going to motor sports events such as Le Mans 24-Hour Race and Reims Grand Prix and we’ll have to say that we often saw Americans who didn’t show their best side.

    Please see our other comments regarding our three-year tour of duty in Fontainebleau at:

    Before leaving our stateside station we received a Fontainebleau Information Booklet and an AirCent Information Brochure which provided answers to our many questions about our upcoming assignment in Fontainebleau. Anyone interested can view them or download them at the following.

    Url for the Fontainebleau Information Booklet

    Url for the AirCent Information Brochure

    Jerry and Joyce Sievers

  5. Hi my name is Jerome Jaroska left site 16 in 1963 and remember some of the people at site. Sgt Monteith was there at that time.

  6. Hey, my name is Ray Schmitz. Was at site 16 with Jerry Jaroska, Sgt Kappa, Sgt Walker, Sgt Stratton, Capt Baker, Bob McGeachy, John Stimmel, from 1961 to 1964. Would like to hear from you guys.


We are happy to hear from former 1141st guys and gals!